Strengthening and Promoting the Governance System

Corporate Governance

Basic Approach

The unchanging basic policy of the SWS Group is to contribute to society through fair and appropriate business activities under the Sumitomo Business Spirit, Sumitomo Wiring Systems Group Basic Principles and Sumitomo Wiring Systems Group Charter of Corporate
Behavior. Under these basic principles, we will ensure transparency and fairness in our management based on appropriate corporate governance and work toward achieving sustainable growth as well as improving corporate value over the medium to long term.

Corporate Governance System

The SWS Group introduced an executive officer system to speed up decision-making and strengthen business execution functions.
Meetings of the Board of Directors are held regularly and on an ad-hoc basis as necessary. The Board of Directors, chaired by the Representative Director, deliberates and makes decisions on important matters related to business activities. 15 meetings were held in FY2023. Before submitting proposals, discussions are held at the Managing Executive Officer Meeting to enhance deliberations.
The Company's three corporate auditors audit the execution of duties by the directors to ensure sound and appropriate management.
As for internal audits, the Auditing Department, in charge of internal audits, conducts on-site inspections of our group companies and others.
Audits are conducted in cooperation with the Audit and Supervisory Board Members as required. Various training programs are provided to executive officers to maintain and improve their business execution functions and quality. Legal training is provided to newly appointed executive officers to provide them with opportunities to acquire legal knowledge as executives of the company.