Corporate Principles
The Sumitomo Wiring Systems Group will develop our business activities globally based on our corporate philosophy of "Purpose," which is our ideal state, "2030 Vision" ("Vision" in the passage to achieve "Purpose"), "Mission" ("Mission" to achieve "Vision"), and "Core Value" (All SWS Group companies are our "Core Values").
Overall corporate Philosophy
“Why our company exists."
"Continue to be the indispensable partner of the mobility society" by further developing and expanding the wiring harness technology.
Further developing and expanding the wiring harness technology
To further develop and expand our products, including wiring harnesses and related products (wires, connectors, and electronic products), based on the technologies we have built up over the years, to reach beyond the needs of society and customers.
The mobility society
OEM, vehicle users, suppliers, and all other stakeholders, together for the benefit of the society.
The indispensable partner
To support the development of mobility as a partner, thereby contributing to creating a comfortable and safe society.
An existence needed by both society and customers.
Continue to be
We are determined to further strengthen our partnership in the future, as it has always been the case.
The Sumitomo Spirit
Business Principles
Article 1: Sumitomo shall achieve prosperity based on solid foundation by placing prime importance on integrity and sound management in the conduct of its business.
Article 2 : Sumitomo's business interest must always be in harmony with public interest; Sumitomo shall adapt to good times and bad times but will not pursue immoral business.
(Quoted from the Sumitomo Goshi Kaisha Administrative Regulations formulated in 1928)
This word means "do your sincere best, not only in business, but also in every aspect of your life." Sumitomo personnel are expected to work not only to make money, but also to cultivate their character and grow into better human beings.
This word emphasizes the importance of integrity, that is, being worthy of the trust of others.
This word speaks of the importance of working proactively, pursuing profit by quickly and appropriately responding to changes in society and not being content with the status quo. At the same time, it emphasizes the importance of harmonizing business gains with the public interest and scorns reckless or careless actions in pursuit of easy gain. While furi means easy, temporary or short-term gain, the term also implies unfair profit obtained through dishonest means.
In addition, the Sumitomo Spirit also indudes the following principles.
- "Attaching Importance to Technology"
- "Respect for Human Resources"
- "Long-Range Planning"
- "Mutual Prosperity, Respect for the Public Good"
Sumitomo Wiring Systems Group Basic Principles
In the spirit of "Connect with the Best," we at "SWS Group" are committed to:
- Contributing to the global community through the success of business,
- Realizing customer satisfaction through high standards of service,
- Developing the prospective future through creation and innovation,
- Preserving corporate ethics based on integrity and trust, and
- Respecting individuality and nurturing a vigorous and prosperous corporate culture.
Sumitomo Wiring Systems Group Charter of Corporate Behavior
1. Provision of excellent products and services
We shall provide excellent products and services that are socially useful and safe to satisfy customers in all aspects including quality and costs.
- 「SE+We shall pursue provision of products and services that satisfy customers in all aspects of SE + QCDD.
- We shall strive to establish the system where we can quickly and adequately cope with any risks that may occur during business activities, such as natural disasters, incidents or accidents.
2. Development of new, original business and products
We shall devote ourselves to developing new, original, profitable business and products by understanding the customers' needs and demonstrating our surpassing creativity.
- We shall constantly explore the customers' needs, then develop and present proactive suggestions to quickly meet their needs.
3. Global business expansion, and growth and development of the Group
We shall always engage in business from a global point of view, and strive for continuous growth and development of the Group, fully utilizing the dynamism of our group management.
- We shall promote business activities from the best viewpoint for the entire group.
- We shall promote quick and accurate global information sharing.
4. Consideration for global environment
We shall act in a voluntary and proactive manner for global environment preservation, and contribute to the establishment of a sustainable society.
- We shall promote the development of products, technologies, and production engineering that can reduce the environmental load.
- We shall comply with environmental regulations, implement environment preservation plans, and promote environmental preservation activities through exchanges with local communities.
5. Observance of laws and regulations
We shall strictly observe domestic and international laws and regulations, and always act fairly and openly.
- We shall observe anti-bribery regulations in each nation, and maintain an honest and fair relationship with government agencies and public authorities.
- When exporting products or technologies, we shall implement appropriate procedures and management, complying with laws and regulations in each nation.
- We shall appropriately use or manage confidential information (e.g. own or a third party's management/technical information), tangible/intangible assets, and personal information.
6. Fair and appropriate business activities
We shall promote fair, transparent, free competition and legitimate trade.
- We shall observe competition laws in each nation, and compete fairly and freely.
- We shall select our business partners fairly and impartially based on the principle of competition, and provide candidates with equal opportunities, regardless of their nationality and size.
7. Action with awareness as members of society
We shall act with awareness as members of society to create a better society, and make great contributions to society.
- We shall take a strong stand against any antisocial forces or groups that threaten public order and security.
- We shall implement social contribution activities, aiming at coexistence with society.
8. Harmony with international society
We shall aim to be a global company trusted by international society.
- We shall respect the cultures and customs in each nation or region, and contribute to the development of the economy and society.
9. Establishment of pleasant working environment and cultivation of personnel
We shall protect human rights, respect individuals, make an effort to create a bright and energized working environment, and stimulate the personal growth of each individual.
- We shall strive to provide a working environment where employees can work in a safe and healthy manner.
- We shall respect employees' diversity, personality, and uniqueness, and support their career development or competence development leading to self-fulfillment.
- We shall not discriminate against employees, and handle their wage, working hours, and other working conditions lawfully and fairly.
- We shall not use or tolerate any forced or child labor.
- We shall recognize our employees' right to associate or right not to associate, complying with laws and regulations in each nation.
10. Appropriate information disclosure and promotion of communication
We shall strive to build and develop a trusting relationship with communities through appropriate information disclosure and promotion of communication.
- We shall appropriately disclose our corporate information for our stakeholders.
- We shall strive to promote communication with communities through public relations, public hearings etc.
SWS WAY is the action principles for Sumitomo harness business. The SWS Group's more than 200,000 employees will contribute to the next-generation mobility society through the practice of the SWS WAY, and aim to realize a sustainable society.
We take pride in our work. We have the motivation to continually grow and the drive to continually deepen our skills and knowledge. We also proactively develop the next generation. Putting the customer's point of view front and center, we act with sincerity, strong will, passion, and a sense of responsibility.
Customer satisfaction
We endeavor to the needs of our customers. Using our advanced technical skills, we strive to provide value through our products and services to generate high levels of customer satisfaction.
Honesty & Integrity
Diligent, serious-minded and in compliance with laws and regulations, we consistently put our heart into doing what is clearly right.
Pride in what we do
As a proud member of a top company in the harness industry that contributes to customers, global society and fellow employees, we are committed to taking action on a daily basis that further deepens such feelings of pride.
While sharing in a sense of common purpose and goals, we carry out our roles and responsibilities as a unified team. While we do what is expected in each of our roles, we do not hesitate to pitch in to provide a helping hand for the team in the pursuit of achieving results.
Mutual communication
We engage in active dialogue through the exchange of information that is needed by others to engender mutual understanding and satisfaction as the basis for strong trusting and respectful relations. We endeavor to simply gather up accurate information to convey to others in an easy-to-understand manner.
Accountability & Cooperation
We recognize that taking responsibility within our individual roles is just a starting point for enjoying achievement together as an organization. Each of us proactively provides a helping hand and works across the organization with others whenever needed.
Diversity & Inclusion
We respect the range of ideas that flow forth from the diversity of our people. Regarding each other's unique character as a strength, we aim to achieve maximum results as one team where each person is free to express themselves in word and action.
We are tenacious in our endeavor to stay abreast of changes on the horizon and face the challenge of producing continual improvements and innovation. We actively support each other to embrace these challenges and likewise encourage growth through such experiences.
Forward thinking
Being sensitive to the winds of change, we quickly take heed of the risks and opportunities ahead. We are proactive at the current time in order to shape a positive future.
Learning from experience
Without the fear of failure, we put our all into doing what’s possible to achieve challenging goals. Even if we experience failure, we embrace the opportunity to draw out the root causes, and add another chapter to the annals of continual improvement. Then we can encourage actions.
Ambition & Perseverance
We remain persistent in the face of adversity and never leave a job half-done.