Release of SWS's CSR Report 2018

October15, 2018 Sumitomo Wiring Systems, Ltd.

The "SWS's CSR Report 2018", where the business activities of the SWS Group in fiscal 2017 are summarized from the viewpoint of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), has been released and posted to [CSR Activities] on the SWS website. Although the Environmental Report had been issued annually since 2001, it was substituted with the CSR Report in fiscal 2008 to introduce a wider variety of our activities to stakeholders.
Focusing on our social contribution activities, this year the Report includes features titled 'For the Future, Striving to Be the “Ideal Image”'.
To reduce the environmental burden or create a paperless environment, the Report is only available on the SWS website. To obtain the Report, please access the SWS website, select the [CSR Activities] tag, and then click [Download CSR Reports].

Thank you