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SWS News FY'05

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Jun 28, 2005
Notice of Issuance of Stock Subscription Rights(Stock Options)

Sumitomo Wiring Systems, Ltd. hereby announces that the Board of Directors' meeting, held on June 28, 2005, resolved specific details for the issuance of stock subscription rights issued as stock options, based on the Commercial Code Section 280, Line 20 and 21, that were approved by the 144th regular shareholders' meeting.
The detailed contents are as follows.

1. Issue date of the stock subscription rights
June 28, 2005
2. Total number of stock subscription rights to be issued
56 rights (1,000 common stocks per one stock subscription right.)
3. Issue price of the stock subscription right
Free of charge.
4. Kinds and number of stocks subject to the stock subscription rights
The company's common stock: 56,000 stocks
5. Amount to be paid-in to exercise the stock subscription rights
2,380 yen per stock
6. Total amount of issue price of stocks issued by exercising the stock subscription rights
133,280,000 yen
7. Exercisable period of the stock subscription rights
From July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2010 (three years)
8. Conditions for exercising the stock subscription rights
(1) When a person who has received an allocation of the stock subscription rights passes away, his or her heir has no right to exercise the person's stock subscription rights.
(2) Other conditions are to be stipulated in an agreement concluded between the company and the person who receives an allocation of the stock subscription rights, based on the resolutions of the 144th regular shareholder's meeting and the meeting of the Board of Directors held on Tuesday, June 28, 2005.
9. Amount to be incorporated into capital in the issue price of the stock issued by exercising the stock subscription rights
1,190 yen per stock
10. Limitation for assignment of the stock subscription rights
Assignment of the stock subscription rights needs the approval of the Board of Directors.
11. Issuance of the stock subscription right certificate
The stock subscription right certificate shall be issued only when the stock subscription right holder requires.
12. Persons who will receive an allocation of the stock subscription rights and the number of stock subscription rights allocated to them
Persons who will receive an allocation of the stock subscription rights are 27 executive officers of the company. The breakdown is as follows:
Persons who will receive an allocation of the stock subscription rights Number of people Number of stock subscription rights allocated
Executive officers of Sumitomo Wiring Systems, Ltd. (who also hold the position of director) 6 people 14 rights
Executive officers of Sumitomo Wiring Systems, Ltd 21 people 42 rights

(For your reference)
(1) Date of the resolutions by the meeting of the Board of Directors to refer the matter to the regular shareholders' meeting: May 12, 2005
(2) Date of the resolutions by the regular shareholders' meeting: June 28, 2005